
Showing posts from February, 2024


                                  Bladder The urinary bladder is Muscular hollow organ, wich function as the reservior for the urine received from the kidney and to discharge it out periodically.  Shape :          The empty bladder resembles a four sided pyramid it has:   . Four angles_apex, neck and two lateral angles     . Four surfaces           - Base (Posterior surface)            - Two inferolateral surfaces           - superior surface Position:   Empty bladder in the adult is situated within the true pelvis. When distended, it rises  up to the abdominal cavity and becomes a abdominopelvic organ. In the newborn, it is abdominal in position.  Capacity: 300-600ml of urine in adult.   In gross anatomy , the bladder can be divided into a broad...


                        physical examination                  what is physical examination:                               In a  physical examination ,  medical examination , or  clinical examination , a medical practitioner examines a patient  for any possible medical sign  or symptoms  of a medical condition . It generally consists of a series of questions about the patient's medical history  followed by an examination based on the reported symptoms. Together, the medical history and the physical examination help to determine a diagnosis  and devise the treatment plan. These data then become part of the medical record.this article cover the basis of physical examination.  Purpose: 1. To understand the physical and mental...


                                                                                          Trachea  The trachea, commonly known as the windpipe, is the large tube that delivers air from the upper respiratory tract (the nasal passages, throat, and larynx) to the bronchi (the two large airways that branch off into each lung). In the process, it warms and moisturizes the air and catches debris and microbes before they enter the lungs.      size and shape:                              The trachea (in adult)is roughly 10-15cm long and 3 centemeter in diameter. It starts just under the larynx (voice box) and runs down the center of the chest behind the sternum  and in front ...